Hrói Höttur WI 4

Flottur breiður foss, klifin í tveimur spönnum. Þrjú áberandi höft. Beint fyrir ofan þjóðveg 1, mitt á milli Hörgslandskots og Foss á Síðu.
FF. Ágúst Þór Gunnlaugsson, James McEwan og Róbert Halldórsson, desember 2011.
Klifursvæði | Kirkjubæjarklaustur |
Svæði | Síða |
Tegund | Ice Climbing |
Merkingar |
Climbed this today with Mike Reid. Interesting conditions, some sections a little tricky to protect and lots of mushrooms and chandeliers. Fairly thick ice though in some parts. Only did the first two pitches, last one didn’t look too good. One 50m rappel to the ground with double ropes.
Good stuff