Fréttir af Cameron M. Smith

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  • #45243

    Það er allt ágætt að frétta af Cameron. Hann er kominn fram hjá Grímsvötnum og er kominn niður af fjallinu. Stefnan er tekin beint á Lambatungujökul. Veður hafa verið misjöfn eins og gengur og gerist frá -20°C til + 5°C.

    Hann hefur ýmist hringt hingað eða til Portland til að gefa stöðuskýrslur. Hérna fyrir neðan eru tilkynningar frá Portland.

    Location: 64 degrees 23.416 N
    17 degrees 23.392 W
    Temperature: -15C
    Weather: Whiteout conditions – cannot see anything.

    Comment: „Very cold, difficult march last night, but moved 9.5 miles in 12 hours gaining another 600 feet to elevation of 5,560 feet. Encamped on edge of Grimsvoten ice cauldron, a 3 mile wide volcanic steam crater. Visibility still almost zero continuing to navigate by compass alone. Next few marches will be gradually downhill, can perhaps increase speed if weather holds. 5-7 marches could see me to the top of descent glacier.“

    Just received a quick message from Cameron at 9:15am on Dec. 22 California time.

    Position: same as yesterday
    Weather: Mild storm conditions, but improving; 2feet of snowfall

    Comment: „Zero visibility persisting, but should be able to travel again after digging out from the snowfall. Plenty of food and fuel and feeling fine.“

    Location: 64 degrees 24.555 N
    17 degrees 14.131 W
    Temperature: +3C

    Weather: Whiteout continues and freezing rain

    Comment: „Moved about 5 miles – hit by freezing rain. Must dry out much gear and will remain here one day or more waiting out the weather.“

    Cameron says there is 1/8″ of ice on everything which makes marching that much more difficult because of the added weight. He is about 1 mile from Grimsvotn hut. He sounded very tired and was looking forward to getting some rest.

    Nánari fréttir verða sendar inn eftir því sem þær berast.


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