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Tryggvi U
ParticipantJonni, ég sendi inn leiðarlýsingar með myndum fyrir báðar tvær.
Tryggvi U
ParticipantAðstæður í Skaftafelli:
Það er kominn klifranlegur ís í flestar lækjarsprænur á svæðinu þó ekki sé ísinn orðinn sérlega pattaralegur. Stóru lækirnir í Bæjargili og Eystragili eru enn of vatnsmiklir til að samfeldur klifranlegur ís haldist í klassísku leiðunum neðst á heiðinni.
Ég klifraði Vestara Kóragil (nr. 1 á mynd, ný leið? – WI3) í ágætis aðstæðum þann 10. des og svo einnig upp Innsta Sniðagil þann 14. des í fínum en frekar þunnum aðstæðum.Attachments:
28. febrúar, 2019 at 00:21 in reply to: Crossing Vatnajokull: Joklasel to Kverkfjoll in April '19 #67421Tryggvi U
I don’t have our GPS tracks but I asked about it and apparently we followed the waypoints that are available (for free) online:
I don’t know of any Topos but some brief route descriptions can be found here: but you can maybe ask the rangers at Vatnajökull national park for more information.
Tryggvi15. febrúar, 2019 at 12:34 in reply to: Crossing Vatnajokull: Joklasel to Kverkfjoll in April '19 #67284Tryggvi U
About the access to the open Kverkfjöll hut from the ice cap as it seemed to me when I was there last November: From the ice cap leads a easy going narrow (~200-300m wide) slope down to the hut with ice walls towering above lakes on each side with some crevasses surrounding them. These are farely obvious when travelling in good visibility but I’d recommend having a rather densely spaced gps track when closing in on the hut in case if the conditions don’t allow for a good oversight. Judging by the conditions back in November you will not need to worry about debris/ash on the way from the ice cap to the hut.
To get info on the state and availability of the hut you should contact the Icelandic Glaciological Society (Jörfí – – Website of the hut: