Home › Umræður › Umræður › Ís- og alpaklifur › Ísklifurfestival 2017 Skráning › Reply To: Ísklifurfestival 2017 Skráning
20. janúar, 2017 at 20:53
Siggi Richter
The Festival will be held on the 10th to 12th of february, but people can of course also stay there on the 9th if someone wants to arrive earlier, you just need to specify it when you sign up.
Leiðrétting á seinustu færslu, lokaskráning er að sjálfsögðu á föstudaginn 27. janúar (ekki febrúar)
Correction on the last post, the registration is of course on the 27th of January (not February)
- This reply was modified 8 years síðan by Siggi Richter.