Gleymdi þursinn WI 4+

Leið merkt sem 26a.

AD+, WI4+. 200M. – Gráðan segir ekki allt. Getur verið mjög tortryggð, geta verið mjög erfiðar og tæknilegar hreyfingar í stuttum ís/mix höftum
Ístryggingar og klettatryggingar nauðsynlegar
4-6 spannir – Var farið í 5 spönnum 2021.04.05
FF: Óþekkt, Páll Sveinsson og Ottó Ingi Þórisson fóru leiðina 2021.04.05 og gáfu henni nafn.

Fyrsta íslínan vestan megin við rifið.
Helstu erfiðleikarnir eru fyrstu 4-5 íshöftin. Flest eru þau stutt (undir 10m) en geta verið brött og tæknileg.
Leiðin sameinast leiðum nr. 24, 25, 26 (rifinu) og 27 og fylgir þeim upp 2-3 klettahöft upp á topp. Sá hluti getur verið tortryggður.

Crag Skarðsheiði
Sector Skessuhorn
Type Ice Climbing

Consolation WI 3

Above the remains of the historic power station in the Merkurá gorge on the True Left. The route went up the cascade to the left of the cave like feature at the bottom. Left again there is a steeper WI4 variation that looks good. Climbed in two shortish pitchs around WI3/3+. The top out is “mixed” and you have to hunt hard for a top anchor.

Rich Bell & Adam Watson, 03/02/2020.

Crag Kirkjubæjarklaustur
Sector Mörk / Merkurá
Type Ice Climbing

Selgil Af Hoffellsdalur WI 3+

The main ravine/gully system draining the North East flank of Hoffellstindur, through the major cliff bands starting just above the valley floor. Approximately 400m in length gaining 250m via a series of around eight “steps” of wildly varying character. From wide cascades, easy runnels, to narrow steep gully ice. The longest pitch was around 40m.

Rich Bell & Mery González Tejada, 25/01/2021.

Crag Öræfi, Austur og Suðursveit
Sector Hoffellsdalur
Type Ice Climbing

Rauðárfoss WI 2

Situated in the amphitheater behind Systrastapi Rock when viewed from the highway. Access is easy – park near Kirkjubæjarstofa and follow the marked historic trail from the end of the 205 towards Systrastapi. We climbed the steeper righthand side which is closer to WI2+. This waterfall would make an ideal beginners lead.

Rich Bell & Mery González Tejada, 30/01/2021, one pitch of 50m+.

Crag Kirkjubæjarklaustur
Sector Kirkjubæjarklaustur
Type Ice Climbing