Byrjandi sector WI 3

Fun sector on the right of Skálagil

Park same spot of Skálagil and then instead of going in to the gully keep walking on the main valley and slowly point up to the sector (on the way down we went straight down and then walked the flat but is it a swamp and need to be fully frozen ). Approach is 45′-60′

we climbed 6 lines but on the left there are few more; they are WI2-3 25m long and anchors on the top are tricky to find: mix of V-thread and rocks

FA Matteo Meucci and JulianO’Neil 20/01/2024  25m WI2-3

yellow WI2

red WI3

green WI3

blue WI3

black WI3

white WI2



Crag Haukadalur
Sector Skálagil
Type Ice Climbing

Stóragil WI 3

Fun route at the end of the gully of Stóragil next to Erpstadir guest house Road582

we parked before entering a property with abandoned shelter and trucks and walked the left part of the gully (looking uphill) until was easy to go down to the river (after the narrow part and a evident icicle on the other side).

If the river is fully frozen is possible to go through since the beginning but half way there is a step in a narrow part.

The route is about 120m long with a first steep part

We walked the right side of the river on the way back (looking uphill)

FA Matteo Meucci and Julian O’Neil 19/01/2024 120m WI3

Crag Brattabrekka
Sector Stóragil
Type Ice Climbing

Wet Dreams WI 4

Location:, 64.726862, -14.428976. The route can be found just left of “Gengið í svefni”.


The approach takes about 40 minutes, the line can be seen from the road. There is several small openings by the road where is possible to park


The route:

The route was climbed in 4 pitches, but it’s possible to climb it in 2 very long pitches with a single comfortable belay after pitch 2. The first few short ice bumps can be walked around

Pitch 1: WI3+, 20m

Pitch 2: WI4, 25m

Pitch 3: WI4, 30m

Pitch 4: WI3+, 20m

Descend on rappel


FA on January 8th 2024 by Camille Verot and Uri Castells

Camille on the 3rd pitch

Crag Berufjörður
Sector Dys
Type Ice Climbing

Roaring Forties WI 5

Route next of Bags and Thoughts (red line)

Yellow line in the topos

start with some mix moves (2 cams green and purple BD, possible to use the yellow higher up) then a series of icicle with a little roof to cross. All the way to the top of the ice blob. V-thread to rappel

FF Matteo Meucci 24/01/2024 20m WI5 M6

Crag Múlafjall
Sector Hlaðhamrar
Type Ice Climbing

The 100th WI 3

First route on the new sector EAST Hlaðhamrar, first gully coming from the gully to access to it.

The 100th Route of Mulafjall

After a steep part follow a ledge and the we took the right branch that led us to steep part that we mixed; it’s possible that with more ice get fully close and cover


FF Matteo Meucci and Julian O’Neil 24/01/2024

Crag Múlafjall
Sector EAST Hlaðhamrar
Type Ice Climbing

Bags and thoughts M 8

Bolted route that can be climbed full dry or with some ice on the lower part and the top but with dry moves in the middle.

Follows and open corner to get to a little roof part then a crack on the upper part , finishing with a tricky slab. Anchor on the edge of the wall (20m)

Possible to keep going all the way up the cliff on ice. Bolted anchor on the top 40m from ground

between Falki A8 and Lundi A9. Red line in the topos

bolted by Matteo Meucci 2019

FF Matteo Meucci 03/12/2023

Crag Múlafjall
Sector Hlaðhamrar
Type Mixed Climbing

Skautasvell WI 2

Leið beint ofan við skógræktina í Hamrahlíð og liggur samsíða hluta af bröttu gönguleiðinni upp á Úlfarsfell.

Stuttir stallar, getur mögulega náð WI 3 ef hún er þunn og enginn snjór til staðar, oftast WI 2 en getur líka horfið á snjóþungum vetri.

FF: Óþekkt einhverntíman í fyrndinni.

Crag Reykjavík
Sector Úlfarsfell
Type Ice Climbing

(Icelandic) 3. – Heljarslóð WI 5

Sorry, this entry is only available in Icelandic. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Leið númer 3. á mynd.

Fyrsta augljósa leiðin á vinstri hönd ofan við leiðirnar “Aðrein” og “Hraðbraut til heljar”.

Byrjar á bröttum pillar sem er um 20-25 metrar upp á sillu. Við tekur svo 10-15 metra haft sem er örlítið til hægri, seinna haftið er auðveldara en tortryggt, hægt er að fara lengra til hægri fyrir meiri ís og betri tryggingar.

Í frumferðinni var leiðin klifruð í einni spönn og er þá um 50 metrar.

FF. Ottó Ingi Þórisson og Sigurður Tómas Þórisson – 4. febrúar 2024

Crag Haukadalur
Sector Stekkjagil
Type Ice Climbing

(Icelandic) 2. – Hraðbraut til heljar WI 4

Sorry, this entry is only available in Icelandic. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Leið númer 2 á mynd.

Nokkuð vatnsmikill foss neðst í Stekkjagili. Fossinn er eflaust oft opin og því ekki í klifranlegum aðstæðum.

Í leiðarvísu um Haukadal í ársriti Ísalp frá 1998 stendur eftirfarandi um leiðina “Ef gengið er inn eftir botni gilsins kemur maður að opnum fossi sem kemur i veg fyrir frekari uppgöngu. Hægt er að fara fram hjá fossinum með þvi að klifra upp vinstri vegg gljúfursins i einni til tveimur spönnum.” Leiðin upp vinstri vegg gljúfursins er leiðin Aðrein.

Leiðin er eflaust 30 – 40 metrar.

FF. Ottó Ingi Þórisson og Sigurður Tómas Þórisson – 4. febrúar 2024

Crag Haukadalur
Sector Stekkjagil
Type Ice Climbing

Hreinir fætur WI 3

Einföld leið upp lækinn í Fúsagili. Aðkoma eftir hefðbundnu gönguleiðinni inn í Bæjarstaðarskóg, þaðan inn með Vestragili og brölt upp úr að Fúsagili. Nokkur höft upp að þriðju gráðu og slatti af léttara brölti. Lítið mál er svo að klára upp á topp Jökulfells með því að klífa skriðuna og nokkur stutt kletta/íshöft ofan Fúsadals. Nafn leiðarinnar kemur ekki til vegna formfagrar fótafærni frumfaranda,  heldur sökum tíðra óvæntra fótabaða sem tekin voru á leiðinni.

FF: Tryggvi Unnsteinsson – 10. mars 2023.

Crag Öræfi, Vestur
Sector Morsárdalur
Type Ice Climbing

First ste(e)p WI 3

Walked around the first 4m. The main pitch is about 30m with a flat part after the first section and a big flat top out. Good nice pitch to practice your first steeper section.

Location: about 5km east of Fosshotel Núpar. Between Kálfafell and Núpstaður/Lómagnúpur (63.9510632, -17.6201653)

Florent Irion and Mery González, 16th January 2023


Crag Öræfi, Vestur
Sector Lómagnúpur
Type Ice Climbing

Fallandi tár WI 6

A big, beautiful and hard route with wild ice formations on the south facing cliffs which overlook Huldujökull.

The two crux pitches climb detached pillars and curtains, and were climbed on the right side during the first ascent.

Approach via Kötlujökull. The base of the route is approximately 5km from the glacier terminus, though navigating the terminal moraine of Kötlujökull and the lateral moraine which guards entry to Huldujökull can be time consuming.

P1: WI4 50m
P2: WI6 40m
P3: WI6 30m
P4: WI4 30m

FA: Rory Harrison and Jay Philip Borchard 09/02/24

Crag Vík í Mýrdal
Sector Huldujökull
Type Ice Climbing

Skírlífsbelti M 5

This route is west of Svellgjá in the gully on the most western part of this cliff. Climb the chimney and then make some delicate moves to gain the easy ice. There are a handful of gear places available. Continue up the short gully. Climbed on the ísalp ice climbing festival 2024.

~40 meters in length

F.A Jay Borchard and Kjartan Tindur Gunnarsson 21.01.24


Crag Haukadalur
Sector Svellgjá
Type Mixed Climbing

Bara forleikur WI 4

Route 1 in the overview picture.

85m WI4

The first pitch starts with 10-15 meters of WI4, but becomes WI3 after that. There is plenty of good ledges after the first wall of ice.  Climbers have therefore multiple options in how to divide this route into two pitches. We did it in a 50m and then a 35m (WI3) pitch. This route can be a good choice for climbers where one is looking for a slightly harder lead while the other is looking for a more comfortable climb, the former would lead the first pitch while the latter would take the second pitch. This way both parties would have fun at their respective level.

The blue line on the topo shows a variation for the second pitch which is probably a bit more challenging.


There is no descent gully in close proximity so rappelling down the route on V-threads is the recommended method.

First Ascent

This route has not been documented before so we give it a name and rating. The name, “Just Foreplay”, is considered descriptive because the route starts with exciting moves but nothing of significance happens after that. Climbed by Ágúst Kristján Steinarsson and Halldor Fannar 21st of January 2024.

Crag Hvalfjörður
Sector Litlasandsdalur
Type Ice Climbing

Í ljósi sögunnar WI 5

Route B10c

This route is left of Gjörgæsla. It started with a short step leading to a corner with very little ice in it. From there the crux of the route was to step out of the corner and onto a free hanging curtain. Few tricky moves take you to a little rest before you finish to the top.

The route gets logged here with the disclaimer that someone might have climbed it back in the day. There can’t be that many unclimbed routes in Múlafjall anymore.

F.A. Bjartur Týr Ólafsson and Bergur Sigurðarson 10. December 2023


Crag Múlafjall
Sector Kötlugróf
Type Ice Climbing


Sector A on the map. You can read about the approach on the overview page for Hvalfjörður

“Sigurjón” is below a number of ponds and should therefore provide early season fun and stay that way for most of winter. Due to the proximity to the ocean it should rarely be too cold and the surf creates a cozy ambiance. Please keep in mind that the approach via the shoreline gets flooded so plan accordingly. There seems to be an easy line (WI2) that can be topped out.

In this sector there are opportunities for multiple first ascents, some of them over 20 meters long. Grades are probably from WI2 up to WI4+.  We recommend using lines from the song about “Sigurjón digri” for route names, for example: “Komnir til að sjá og sigra”, “Með krafta í kögglum” og “Takið af ykkur skóna!”

  1. Unclimbed
  2. Unclimbed
  3. Bóna, bóna, bóna (WI3-)
  4. Og bóna (WI3)
  5. Unclimbed (best for rappelling into the sector)
  6. Með ballskó í bögglum (WI3+)
  7. Unclimbed
  8. Unclimbed
  9. Unclimbed
  10. Unclimbed

As you can see in the pictures there is a healthy amount of ice at the top so it should be possible to rappel into the sector as well.