Uppvakning WI 3
Pleasant climbing just right of Dauðsmannsfoss.
A short steep section followed by easy ice to the top. Climb the long snow slope above or abseil off (~50m).
Crag | Kjós |
Sector | Múli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Pleasant climbing just right of Dauðsmannsfoss.
A short steep section followed by easy ice to the top. Climb the long snow slope above or abseil off (~50m).
Crag | Kjós |
Sector | Múli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Route 14
Sixth route in the right cliffs of Gleiðarhjalli. First ascent not known.
Grade WI3
Crag | Ísafjarðardjúp |
Sector | Gleiðarhjalli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Route 13
Fifth route in the right cliffs of Gleiðarhjalli. First ascent not known.
Grade WI3
Crag | Ísafjarðardjúp |
Sector | Gleiðarhjalli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Route 12
Fourth route in the right cliffs of Gleiðarhjalli. First ascent not known.
Grade WI3
Crag | Ísafjarðardjúp |
Sector | Gleiðarhjalli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Route 11
Third route in the right cliffs of Gleiðarhjalli. First ascent not known.
Grade WI3
Crag | Ísafjarðardjúp |
Sector | Gleiðarhjalli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Route 10
Second route in the right cliffs of Gleiðarhjalli. First ascent not known.
Grade WI3
Crag | Ísafjarðardjúp |
Sector | Gleiðarhjalli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Route 9
First route in the right cliffs of Gleiðarhjalli. First ascent not known.
Gráða WI4
Crag | Ísafjarðardjúp |
Sector | Gleiðarhjalli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Route 8
Second route in the mid cliffs of Gleiðarhjalli. First ascent not known.
Grade WI3
Crag | Ísafjarðardjúp |
Sector | Gleiðarhjalli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Route 7
First route in the mid cliffs of Gleiðarhjalli. First ascent not known.
Grade WI3
Crag | Ísafjarðardjúp |
Sector | Gleiðarhjalli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Route 6
Sixth route in the left cliffs of Gleiðarhjalli. First ascent not known.
Grade WI3
Crag | Ísafjarðardjúp |
Sector | Gleiðarhjalli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Route 5
Fifth route in the left cliffs of Gleiðarhjalli. First ascent not known.
Grade WI3
Crag | Ísafjarðardjúp |
Sector | Gleiðarhjalli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Route 4
Fourth route in the left cliffs of Gleiðarhjalli. First ascent not known.
Grade WI3
Crag | Ísafjarðardjúp |
Sector | Gleiðarhjalli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Route 3
Third route in the left cliffs of Gleiðarhjalli. First ascent not known.
Grade WI3
Crag | Ísafjarðardjúp |
Sector | Gleiðarhjalli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Route 1
First route in the left cliffs of Gleiðarhjalli. First ascent not known.
Grade WI3
Crag | Ísafjarðardjúp |
Sector | Gleiðarhjalli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Route 1
First route in the left cliffs of Gleiðarhjalli. First ascent not known.
Grade WI3
Crag | Ísafjarðardjúp |
Sector | Gleiðarhjalli |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Hægra þilið af augljósu þiljunum tveim fyrir botni Garðshvilftar, leið 1.5.
Tvær spannir af skemmtilegu, jöfnu klifri í góðum ís. Nokkuð í fangið í fyrri hluta, slær af halla í seinni hluta og getur verið auðvelt að komast upp fyrir hengju yfir vinstri hluta þilsins. Annars er lítið mál að setja upp þræðingu undir hengjunni og síga niður í tveim sigum.
WI 4+, 80 m
Febrúar 2020, Magnús Ólafur Magnússon & Sigurður Ý. Richter
Crag | Dýrafjörður |
Sector | Garðshvilft |
Type | Ice Climbing |
WI 3 10m Laugarvatnfjall. Stóra gilið beint fyrir ofan menntaskólann.
Ff. Smári Stefánsson og Magnús Bjarki Snæbjörnsson.
Crag | Árnessýsla |
Sector | Laugarvatn |
Type | Ice Climbing |
WI 2. Laugarvatnsfjall. Suðurland
180m í hækkun. Hlaupandi tryggingar.
Ff Smári Stefánsson og Magnús Bjarki Snæbjörnsson 6.12.20
Crag | Árnessýsla |
Sector | Laugarvatn |
Type | Ice Climbing |
One of the first line in the canyon. (Blue in photo)
Nothing for build an anchor on top, we wrapped cordelette around a clump of ground.
Suggested approach is following the river bed.
FF Andrea Fiocca, Marco Porta and Matteo Meucci 30/11/2020 35m WI2
Crag | Kjós |
Sector | Hækingsdalur |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Short but steep pillar in a bowl . (Red in the picture)
From the farm of Hækingsdalur keep the left (going up stream ) of the canyon and cross the 2 main river then lower to the main river and raise to the bowl.
Is it possible to walk along the main river but need to be frozen
FF Matteo Meucci 30/11/2020 WI4+ 30m
Crag | Kjós |
Sector | Hækingsdalur |
Type | Ice Climbing |