Var að berast frá Alaskan Alpine Club

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  • #45237

    Yoooo our climbing friends in the far frozen north……..

    The Alaska Alpine Club is starting its display room in its new permanent headquarters.

    It will be for the usual old climbing stuff for conversation purposes.

    If any of your members want to send us an old ice axe, or new used one, or some such climbing equipment, with their name, date and country on it, we will hang it on display, just to have a variety of stuff from a variety of places.

    When your members visit our headquarters, we can show them the items sent by their friends, for the conversation.

    We have a guest room for visiting climbers getting ready for a climb, or drying out things after a climb.

    And in a hundred years, people will see that cool old stuff and know that a person with the name on the item was a cool old climber from your country way back in these times. Anyone else would have to climb a lot to be remembered that long way off in Alaska.

    And keep on having fun.

    Doug Buchanan

    Alaskan Alpine Club
    1957 Weston Drive
    Fairbanks Alaska 99709
    phone 9074792149

    Páll Sveinsson

    Ekki slæm hugmynd.

    Mætti yfirfara hana á okkar félagskap.



    Þetta er snilld… mig vantar einmitt axir og fleira. Spurning hvort maður sendi bara línu á öll klifurfélög heimsins og bíð svo spenntur heima :-D

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