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26. February, 2013 at 15:28 #45855
MemberSæl öll sömul,
Undirbúningur stendur yfir. Dagskrá og fyrirkomulag verður kynnt hér á vefnum þegar nær dregur.
Telemarkfestivalið verður 15. – 17. mars
Búningakeppni liða og einstaklinga verður á sínum stað.
Telemakrhóf um kvöldið ásamt öðrum föstum liðum.kveðja að norðan
Bassi27. February, 2013 at 13:43 #58206Páll Sveinsson
ParticipantSkúli og Tómas tóku forskot á skemtunina um síðustu helgi. Gæti bara vel verið að Tómas mæti þetta árið á báðum löppum.
kv. P
2. March, 2013 at 13:27 #58210sfrieling
My name is Siebert Frieling and I am a 25 years old Dutch guy. I am doing an internship in Reykjavik until April and I would love to go ski touring during this period. I have quite some ski mountaineering experience in the European Alps and I have all the equipment with me (ski’s, skins, avalanche gear). The only problem is that I don’t know any other ski mountaineers here in Iceland. Helgi Egilsson told me about the Telemark Festival and that I could meet some people there. Would it be possible to join the festival? And are there any people that are planning ski mountaineering tours during that weekend?
Siebert4. March, 2013 at 22:19 #58214Ólafur
ParticipantHi Siebert. Of course – you are most welcome at the festival. This is THE event to meet people with the same interests. There will be telemarking, off-piste, racing, powder, ski-mountaineering, öl, stroh, aprés and DJ Ötzi. Be there or be square!
5. March, 2013 at 23:53 #58219sfrieling
MemberThat sounds great! Is the program for the festival already known? And are there people driving from Reykjavik to Akureyri? If it is possible, then I would really like to join, since I don’t have a car. Of course, we can share petrol costs then. Looking forward!
6. March, 2013 at 21:57 #582203103833689
MemberBúið er að opna fyrir skráningu á festivalið.
Verð, matseðill og frekari upplýsingar um stærsta Apres-ski norðan Alpafjalla koma þegar nær dregur.Hvet fólk til þess að skrá sig. https://www.isalp.is/dagskra/details/88-telemarkfestival-isalp.html
6. March, 2013 at 22:48 #58221sfrieling
MemberI’m in! Just another question, where are people usually staying during the festival? Then I will try to get a bed there as well
. And if somebody has a spare seat in the car from Reykjavik to Akureyri then I would be very happy to join!
9. March, 2013 at 17:03 #582252505703769
ParticipantFrábærar aðstæður í Hlíðarfjalli í dag. Fullt af lausum snjó nánast út um allt. Dalurinn, Reithólarnir og skálin sunnan Mannshryggs í toppaðstæðum.
Þetta verður klassi næstu helgi.Sjáumst þá.
11. March, 2013 at 10:27 #582260808794749
MemberHi Siebert.
I think most people are staying here and there in town. At friends places or in union rental flats. But maybe some people are staying at Akureyri Backpackers. It’s a really nice hostel right downtown. Haven’t stayed there but the burgers and the beer is great.
If you have a hard time finding a lift, this is also an alternative.
See you there!11. March, 2013 at 17:50 #58227Karl
Snjókoma í Hlíðarfjalli þriðjudag til föstudags en léttir til um Telemarkhelgina…..
Afterski verður niður við Skíðahótel frá kl 4 til 6 á laugardaginn og verður ALSHERJAR.
Af því loknu bíður lambið eftir okkur innandyra og dansað á telemarktúttunum fram eftir nóttu….
-Skráið ykkur sem fyrst.
11. March, 2013 at 21:32 #58229sfrieling
MemberThanks for the tips Sveinborg, I will definitely have a look at them! I haven’t found a lift yet, so the one who can offer me one will make me very happy
Are there already some ski mountaineering tours planned? If so, I would really like to join. As said, I have all the gear and experience (several routes in Chamonix, La Grave, Andermatt, Sankt Anton, …). Does the festival already start at Friday, so most people will be there then?11. March, 2013 at 21:51 #58230eragnars
MemberVeðurspáin lofar góðu eins og Kalli segir þannig að þetta verður EPIC!
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