Doctor Ice

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  • #46013

    Fékk þennan póst í morgun. Er ekki einhver sem getur aðstoðað dömuna ??

    Dear climbers,

    I have come across your website while surfing the net and I approach to you with a request:
    I am a medical student and currently working on my diploma thesis with the topic “ice climbing”. The aim of my study is to research on typical injury patterns of this fascinating sport and thereby draw conclusions if there are any ways of making ice climbing saver. I have chosen this topic because I later want to do sports medicine and I have always been interested in climbing. Now I want to ask if it is possible to publish a short text describing my study on your website in order to find some interested ice climbers who want to share their experiences with me and thus contribute to the success of my study. Maybe you also now some ice climbers who are willing to spend only 5 minutes per month (from November till April) to fill out my questionnaire (everything is done via mail, completely straightforward and anonymous)?

    Thank you in advance for your help.
    Yours sincerely,
    Kathrin Lampl

    Siggi Tommi

    Þurfum við ekki að styðja vöggu vísindanna með þessu léttvæga framlagi einstaklingsins? Gæti komið öllum til góða síðar.
    Skora á alla sem ætla að brölta í ís í vetur að pósta á dömuna og leggja sitt af mörkum með þátttöku í könnuninni.

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