Re: svar: NIce photos

Home Forums Umræður Almennt NIce photos Re: svar: NIce photos


thanks Gisli and Halli.

Yes, Gísli it was a nice weekend and it was a shame not to meet up, but perhaps I am a little inexperienced on the ice anyway. You are welcome to come and visit in Stykkishólmur! There is plenty of ice up here still…

hope your weekend wasn´t too bad in the end – I think the West may have had more sun?

thanks for the link!

Halli – Yes, I remember meeting you briefly!

enjoy those climbing spots I mention. Also Pembrokeshire in South Wales is really amazing for hundreds of diverse sea cliff climbs – can be like the mediterranean on a good, hot summer day! If you need people to meet to climb with I will put you in touch with friends in Bristol: they need to get out more! h