Reply To: Looking for help (from the UK)

Home Forums Umræður Almennt Looking for help (from the UK) Reply To: Looking for help (from the UK)

Siggi Richter

Hey Rob

I hope you‘ll find someone to climb with, I´m at the moment writing this in Denmark, so I unfortunately won‘t be able to join.
I also don‘t know how the conditions are at home (I guess someone else can give you a good update), but the forecast is looking good.

But regarding the easier WI1/2 climbs, I would recommend checking out these areas:
These are the closest to Reykjavík, but most of them are longer alpine routes. But you can check out areas E, F and J, there are shorter routes with short approaches, but they aren‘t always in condition.
Múlafjall is most often in conditions, with a lot of ice facing north. Although there aren‘t many routes logged below WI3, it‘s easy to find small sections and gullies with easy ice (The approach is pretty short, but annoying)
If you are lucky with conditions, I would definitely recommend this valley. Although since it‘s pretty low and it‘s already March, I wouldn‘t count on it being in conditions, but if it is, then it‘s littered with nice easy ice routes with short approaches.
If none of these work, then you can give this area a try, the routes are a bit scattered and can be hard to spot from the road, but some of them are classics.

I hope that helps if you don‘t find a climbing partner.

And the guidebook is still in the brainstorming process 😉