Home › Forums › Umræður › Ís- og alpaklifur › Hverjir þekkja til ISM? › Re: svar: Hverjir þekkja til ISM?
2. December, 2007 at 21:24
…..hmm…já sumir breytast aldrei,
Whoever said, “there are no stupid questions” was wrong. We are not interested in helping beginners, the indolent, or the ignorant. Contacting us implies you have done your utmost to become informed through other avenues and experience. It means you understand Gym Jones is not a mainstream facility using conventional methods to address sport or work-related challenges. Finally, by sending a note you acknowledge understanding that we are not waiting around for it.
Ætli þetta útleggist sem Hard Core æfingarprógramm? Eða ætti maður bara að halda sig við Hress?